Dear GPHS Community,
We cannot wait for the first day of school on August 26!!!! Please see below for important information related to opening day:
Building Hours for Students
7:25am to 2:45pm - For security reasons, students will not have access to the building prior to 7:25 am. Following dismissal, only students participating in school-sponsored events or awaiting bus transportation will be permitted to remain in the building.
7:50am - 1st period begins. Click here for the complete bell schedule.
GPHS Transportation Information
Parent Drop-Off - Please review the traffic pattern by clicking here. Drop off will continue on the side of the school by the Home of the Panther door.
Students Driving to GPHS - Please review the traffic pattern by clicking here. Students driving to GPHS must complete the Student Parking Permit Application and review the Student Parking Standards Guidelines.
Students Walking/biking to GPHS - Walkers/bike riders should use the Rose Lane entrance. Multiple bike racks are around the building and campus. We advise students to lock their bikes as HCPSS is not responsible for students’ personal property.
Bus Transportation - Please click here to locate your child's bus stop.
ARL - ARL classes start on the first day of school. All students should meet in the cafeteria first thing in the morning. Morning ARL students will then report directly to the ARL bus(es) after you gather in the cafeteria. Students must be on the bus by 7:50am. Upon returning from ARL, you will proceed to your third period class. Students are not permitted to drive to the ARL.
We have created a GPHS Student Transportation FAQ document that shares more information related to student transportation. Additional transportation information can be found here.
Before the First Day CHECKLIST for GPHS Students
Check your schedule in HCPSS Connect/Synergy and make note of your 1st period class, teacher name and room number.
Download the StudentVUE app from the Apple or Android store. On this app, you will be able to see your schedule and other student information. Additionally, this app will be used for signing in to school if you arrive late.
If you are a bus rider, use the Bus Locator Tool to determine your bus stop. Write down/take a screenshot of your bus number and keep it in an accessible location.
Turn on your HCPSS Chromebook and login. Be sure it is functioning properly. If it is damaged or lost, please see the media specialists at lunch in the Commons during the first week of school for troubleshooting.
Pack your bag the night before! Bring paper, something to write with, and a charged Chromebook
Plan out your meal(s) at
Families Must Complete Family File
HCPSS utilizes Family File for parents/guardians to supply emergency information. Parents/guardians must verify and/or update information for each child every year. More information, including answers to frequently asked questions and tips on troubleshooting, is available online.
Student Schedules
Student homerooms and schedules are now available for all families by logging in to HCPSS Connect Synergy. Please check on the first day of school as slight changes may have been made. Middle and high school schedules can be accessed by selecting Class Schedule from the left menu.
Student Meals & Payments
View the HCPSS parent site for all things food and nutrition. LINQ Connect is a secure, online portal that allows families to make online payments to their child’s meal account, monitor their child’s account, schedule automatic recurring payments, set up low balance alerts, submit a Free and Reduced Meals program application, and more.
Health Checks & Protocols
All students, staff and visitors should perform daily health checks prior to entering any school bus or HCPSS building. Parents/guardians should keep their children home if they are experiencing symptom(s) associated with any communicable disease, including COVID, flu, fever, etc. Additional information on communicable diseases and HCPSS infection control can be found online.
FARMs Participation
Many HCPSS families are eligible to participate in the Free and Reduced Price Meals (FARMs) program, which provides children with a wide range of benefits including free or discounted college tuition, testing and application fees, academic and athletic program fees and many others in addition to free or discounted meals. Moreover, FARMs participation rates directly impact schools’ eligibility to receive valuable federal Title I funding, which provides resources that play a key role in student success. Families are urged to check their eligibility and complete a FARMs application today.
Drug-Free Campuses
Students and families are reminded that the possession, use, or distribution of alcoholic beverages and other drugs on school premises or at school-related or school-sponsored activities is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to tobacco and marijuana. Details are available in Board of Education Policy 1050 Alcohol, Drug, and Tobacco Free Environment.
Student and Parent Handbook
The Student & Parent Handbook can be found online and outlines districtwide practices and policies related to parents and students, including the Student Code of Conduct, school procedures, student responsibilities and more.